ActualGuns 3D Addon
Do you like gun addons? like all time popular ActualGuns addon, what about trying something new? Such as 3D Weapons! Then you should definitely try ActualGuns 3D, this addon is available for Minecraft bedrock edition.
Created by: Ash (Programmer & Animator), AzozGamer936 (Programmer), Wind_WL (3D Models & Textures), VVirgo1804 (Item textures), Vulth (Showcase video), Veidt (3D Models & Textures), Mecha (3D Models & Textures)
Special thanks to Hallis for the Teaser trailer as well as the EULA.
Please make sure to read the eula.txt and the credits.txt provided in the addon for more information!
This add-on features 6 fully 3D weapons such as Taurus, M3 Shotgun, P90, and all time famous AWP Sniper! That's not enough, we tried our best to make the animations realistic, from reloading to aim, fire to draw, we basically have all animations for both third and first-person mode! This addon also doesn't replace anything, meanwhile, this addon is only intended for Singleplayer and Adventure maps to use. It may not work in Multiplayer properly, the host can shoot, but other players can not use the guns full auto. This is purely a Minecraft bug, we can do nothing to fix this.
Tho, there are fewer guns in this release, we are looking forward to adding more in upcoming updates! Also, here are all the guns you can find in this add-on along with their info:

How to download this?